address of the head of the community Serhiy Morgunov to the participants of REBUILD UKRAINE 2024



Reconstruction of a water treatment plant and reconstruction of water pumping stations

Comprehensive reconstruction of the water treatment plant and reconstruction of water pumping stations in Vinnytsia, which will involve the use of modern drinking water treatment technologies and alternative energy sources.
There are two sets of treatment facilities on the territory of the Pyatnychany water supply station. The complex of facilities at station No. 2, with a capacity of 100 thousand m3/day, was put into operation in 1969 and 1979. Plant No. 3, with a capacity of 107,000 m3/day, was commissioned in 1990. The total design capacity of the water supply system treatment facilities is 207 thousand m3/day.

The buildings are worn out, and the equipment has exceeded its useful life.

Social significance of the project:
● 400,000 residents of the Vinnytsia City Territorial Community will be provided with quality drinking water that meets modern requirements● 3.7 million m3/year - reduction of pollution of the Pivdennyi Buh river

Estimated value: 37 млн €

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Need help
    Nature of the reconstruction: Full (rebuilding from scratch)
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Water supply and drainage


Reconstruction of a sewage pumping station

Comprehensive reconstruction of the sewage pumping station on Knyaziv Koriatovychiv Street in Vinnytsia, which will include the modernisation of mechanical wastewater treatment, installation of energy-efficient equipment and introduction of alternative energy sources.The corresponding SPS pumps wastewater from the entire central part of the city to the WTP. Currently, the equipment, valves and pipelines are physically worn out. The SPS needs a complete reconstruction with an increase in capacity.
Social significance:● 30 thousand residents - living in residential buildings, working at enterprises, visiting social facilities in the central part of Vinnytsia - are covered by centralised sewerage services
● 15 thousand m3/day - uninterrupted and trouble-free pumping of wastewater by the sewage plant to the sewage treatment plant
● Improving the reliability of energy supply through the use of renewable energy sources, which will save money and reduce the load on the city's energy system.

Estimated value: 1,5 млн €

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Need help
    Nature of the reconstruction: Full (rebuilding from scratch)
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Water supply and drainage


Reconstruction of sewage pumping station 1A

Objective: Comprehensive reconstruction of the sewage pumping station on Yevhen Konovaltsia Street in Vinnytsia, which will include modernisation of wastewater treatment, installation of energy efficient equipment and introduction of alternative energy sources.
The sewage pumping station1A is the hub and the busiest station. It collects half of the city's wastewater from 20 sewage pumping stations and serves 5149 houses and transports it to the sewage treatment facilities. The sewage pumping station covers 1/3 of the city. The pumping station needs a complete reconstruction with a 1.5-2-fold increase in capacity.An emergency shutdown of any unit will lead to massive pollution and untreated wastewater entering the Pivdennyi Buh river.
Social significance:• 100 thousand residents - living in residential buildings, working at enterprises, visiting social institutions in the central part of Vinnytsia• 60 thousand m3/day - uninterrupted and trouble-free wastewater pumping by the sewage plant• Increased reliability of energy supply

Estimated value: 3,5 млн €

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Need help
    Nature of the reconstruction: Full (rebuilding from scratch)
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Water supply and drainage


Family medical center

The main objective of the project is to create a modern, innovative and comfortable medical facility to meet the needs of the population for quality medical and rehabilitation services.

The facility will serve the following categories of visitors:
Pregnant women and women with impaired reproductive system functions;
● Children (from 0 to 18 years old);
• Children with visual impairment;
● patients in need of medical rehabilitation.

To fulfil the goal, the following objectives must be achieved:
● Achieving energy efficiency class A;
● Bringing the building to full or partial energy autonomy, which will help to effectively use the saved funds for other needs of the institution;
● Replacement of all emergency structural elements of the building;
● Ensuring the safety of patients and staff in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation, including the construction of a radiation shelter with connection to the local autonomous centralised warning system and all related conditions.

Estimated value: 7,2 млн $

    Проєктно-кошторисна документація проєкту: Вже є
    Nature of reconstruction: Partial
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Objects of social infrastructure (health care)

PRIORITIES for international cooperation

Vinnytsia develops twinning and partnerships with cities around the world. These relationships have created examples of successful cooperation over the past years that will allow the city to facilitate activities in support of the city’s priorities and ambitions. Our partnerships with cities focus on a variety of activities that have developed and evolved over time. Today, we attach great importance to ensuring that these city-to-city ties are strategically focused and help Vinnytsia achieve key strategic goals in all areas of city development.

The priorities for the development of international cooperation are to strengthen and synchronise the work of executive bodies, deputies, utilities, and public organisations in improving Vinnytsia's image on the international arena, revitalising economic activity, and attracting and effectively using international expert and financial resources:

    Image of a reliable international partner and an attractive tourist destination: maintaining and developing existing and establishing new international relations, international promotion of Vinnytsia, organising participation of city representatives in international internships, training, and exchanges, international promotion of Vinnytsia, organisation of participation of city representatives in international internships, training, and exchanges
    International economic cooperation: attracting foreign investment, facilitating the entry of local enterprises into foreign markets
    International economic cooperation: attracting foreign investment, facilitating the entry of local enterprises into foreign markets

Geographical features

  • Total area – 25 633,4 hectares
    Vinnytsia region

    Vinnytsia City Territorial Community consists of 9 settlements: Vinnytsia city – the administrative center and 3 starosta districts:
    Desnyanskyi (Desna settlement), Stadnytskyi (Stadnytsia, Gavryshivka, Velyki Krushlyntsi, Mali Krusklyntsi villages), Vinnytsko-Khutirskyi (Vinnytski Khutory, Pysarivka, Schitky villages)

● Distance - 268 km from Kyiv city
● The total length of roads is 356 km, motorway and pedestrian bridges - 22, including 3 large ones across the Pivdennyi Buh River
● More than 50 intercity and international bus routes pass through the city, including to Poland, Moldova, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Czech Republic, Latvia, and Lithuania.
● Vinnytsia railway station serves 1.3 million passengers annually and has connections to 23 regions of Ukraine● Vinnytsia International Airport

land and community resources

The main water artery of the community is the South Bug River, which has a total length of 806 km

  • Water use here is carried out mainly from surface sources (82% of the total volume of water intake), only 18% is taken from underground sources


  • 303

    number of water bodies

  • 594

    HECTARES - the area of ​​water bodies

Investment attractiveness

Vinnytsia is one of the most attractive cities for investment in Ukraine in the conditions of hostilities,
which is confirmed by a number of independent studies.


According to the results of the research conducted by the Rating Agency IBI-Rating, the following were confirmed:

    investment attractiveness rating at the level of invAA (excellent investment attractiveness)
    the credit rating at uaA+ grade, high creditworthiness, with a development outlook and keeping on the CreditWatch watch list.

Based on the results of the research conducted by the Credit Rating Agency, the rating has been affirmed:

    the investment attractiveness rating is at uaINV5 (the highest level)
    the credit rating is at uaAA- grade, very high creditworthiness, with a stable outlook.
  • 1

    Vinnytsia Industrial Park35, 7 ha

    Created in 2016 for 30 years

  • 2

    Vinnytsia cluster of refrigeration engineering

    19, 27 Hа

    Created in 2017 for 30 years

  • 3

    INDUSTRIAL PARK "Winter Sport"25 га

    Created in 2019 for 50 years

  • 4

    INDUSTRIAL PARK "WinIndustry"13 HA

    Created in 2022 for 30 years

industrial parks

One of the most effective mechanisms for attracting investment to a community is the creation of industrial parks. This mechanism allows for the creation of investment initiatives for the development of vacant industrial land plots, revitalisation and industrial use of land plots that have not been used for economic activity for more than 10 years.


In accordance with the Programme for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises of Vinnytsia City Territorial Community for 2024-2026, a number of business support mechanisms have been developed, namely:

Procedure for partial compensation of interest on loans to small and medium-sized enterprises at the expense of the Vinnytsia community budget.

Procedure for partial compensation to employers of the costs of compulsory state social insurance for newly created jobs at the expense of the Vinnytsia community budget.

Procedure for partial compensation of expenses for the purchase of equipment for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises at the expense of the budget of the Vinnytsia City Territorial Community.

399,367 residents of the community

As of 01.08.2024


  • Digitization of municipal space

  • Integrated community

    Quality and affordable municipal services for everyone

  • Municipal investments

  • Green economy and smart specialization

    Achieving climate neutrality

  • Affordable, safe and environmentally friendly environment

  • A vibrant city


    Development Strategy of Vinnytsia City Territorial Community until 2030 - Strategies 3.0
    Concept of Integrated Development of Vinnytsia 2030
    Programmes of economic and social development of the community for 2024
    Programme of comprehensive restoration of the territory of Vinnytsia City Territorial Community for 2024-2027

Energy management:

    Action Plan for Sustainable Energy Development of Vinnytsia City Territorial Community until 2030 is being developed
    Action plan for 2023-2026 in the area of the European Energy Label
    Programme for the construction of solar power plants for self-consumption of electricity by municipal property of Vinnytsia City Council for 2023-2027


    Programme of state monitoring in the field of air protection in Vinnytsia agglomeration for 2021-2025
    Vinnytsia Green Deal Programme


    Programme for the Development of Barrier-Free Space in Vinnytsia City Territorial Community for 2024-2027

Architecture and urban planning:

    Draft amendments to the Master Plan of Vinnytsia city with updating based on the results of its monitoring and development of a land management project for changing the boundaries of Vinnytsia city
    Draft amendments to the Vinnytsia Zoning Plan
    General Plan and Zoning Plan of Pysarivka village, Vinnytsia district, Vinnytsia region

At the stage of completion:

    Comprehensive Spatial Development Plan and Draft Amendments to the General Plan of Vinnytsia City
    Master Plan and Zoning Plan for Stadnytsia village, Vinnytsia district

Information technologies:

    Informatisation and Digital Transformation Programme for 2024-2026 is in place in Vinnytsia

Civil society:

    Implementation Plan for the Strategy of Partnership between Civil Society Institutions and Vinnytsia City Council






monument1Created with Sketch.

Administrative buildings10

implementation of strategic projects

Krystal – the Innovative and technology park – is a space for creating and implementing new business projects and introducing innovations to rebuild Ukraine

This is Ukraine's first municipal innovation and technology park, which will be aimed at strengthening existing and creating new high-tech and creative industries in Vinnytsia and the Podil region.

Vinnytsia Municipal Investment Fund - municipal utility company, GIZ, UNDP, Vinnytsia City Council, Vinnytsia Instrumentation and Automation Cluster -public organization, Vinnytsia Club of Business People, PO, Council of Entrepreneurs under Vinnytsia City Mayor, Regional Council of Entrepreneurs under the Regional State Administration

Objective: Renovation of production facilities of old enterprises and their transformation into growth points for the creative economy and small business. Creating a space for maximum involvement of the public, youth, business, veterans and their families in setting up their own businesses, implementing start-ups, introducing business ideas and scaling them up. Cooperation with educational institutions to implement scientific developments and build strong cooperation with business

What has been done: general construction of internal and external works, interior decoration, thermal and mechanical works, installation of lifts, relocation of the boiler room, tiling, facade glazing

Vinnytsia Tourism Hub

Customer: Department of City Marketing and Tourism of Vinnytsia City Council, project idea «Made by Vinnytsia: creating an ecosystem of Vinnytsia products and value-added services»

creating a space to bring together the community that makes Vinnytsia tourist and hospitable. The tourism hub envisages a full-fledged ecosystem in which destination management bodies, entrepreneurs, start-ups, the creative class, students of specialised education, tourism businesses and end consumers of tourism products interact. In September 2024, a tourist information centre on the ground floor of the building is scheduled to be launched in test mode

What has been done:
reconstruction of a non-residential building has been completed

Energy efficiency project

This is Ukraine's first municipal innovation and technology park, which will be aimed at strengthening existing and creating new high-tech and creative industries in Vinnytsia and the Podil region.
Partners/participants/donors:Customer: Department of Municipal Economy of Vinnytsia City Council, Vinnytsiamiskteploenergo – utility company of Vinnytsia City Council, with financial and technical support from SECO
Objective: Providing quality district heating and hot water services
What has been done: 1. Reconstruction of the heat supply system for the M. Shymka - Bilokonya neighbourhoods, including the reconstruction of an 18 MW gas boiler house, construction of a 5.3 MW solid fuel boiler house, 9.2 km of heating networks, 100 pcs.
2. Reconstruction of the heat supply system in the S. Zulinsky neighbourhood, reconstruction of a 13.5 MW gas boiler house, construction of a 3.3 MW solid fuel boiler house, 9.3 km of heating networks, 68 IHS units
3. Reconstruction of the centralised hot water supply system in the Vyshenka neighbourhood, installation of 141 hot water supply equipment

Reconstruction of the district heating system

Vinnytsiamiskteploenergo – utility company of Vinnytsia City Council,
With financial support from NEFCO – loan and grant agreement

Objective: providing quality district heating and hot water services

What has been done:

The project covered 11 residential buildings and a hospital.
The project in Vinnytsia included the following measures:
- Individual heat points - implementation of 11 individual heat points with regulation of heat supply according to the outside temperature for residential buildings.
- Installation of a new district heating plant for the hospital.
- Replacement of networks - about 1,500 m of distribution pipelines and reduction of heat losses.
- Decommissioning of an inefficient and undersized boiler house.

Project implementation results:
- Saving 4,730 MWh of heat per year
- Saving 500,000 m³ of gas per year
- Saving 80 MWh of electricity per year
- Reduction of CO2 emissions by 950 tonnes per year