Contract offer. Public offer for non-refundable voluntary financial assistance

This offer, addressed to an indefinite number of persons — individuals and legal entities — visitors to the site on theInternet (hereinafter — the «Site»), hereinafter referred to as «Benefactor», and is an officialand public proposal of the Subsidiary Company «Premier Expo», identification code: 30856806, hereinafter referredto as the «Company», represented by the Director Federova Tetyana, acting on the basis of the Article, enter into a nonrefundable voluntary financial assistance agreement (hereinafter — the Agreement), subject and essential whoseconditions are specified below:
1. Terms and definitions:Acceptance — full and unconditional acceptance of the public offer for the conclusion of the Agreement by makingactions to make a money transfer using payment forms and funds posted on the Site, as well as by transferring funds to theCompany’s current account through banking institutions. The moment of Acceptance is the date of crediting funds to thecurrent account of the Company.Non-refundable voluntary financial assistance (Donation) — a money transfer made by the Benefactor to the accountof the Company to provide financial assistance for the event ReBuild Ukraine carried out in accordance with the termsof this Agreement and defined by Article 729 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.
2. Subject of the Agreement:The subject of this Agreement is the gratuitous transfer of funds by the Benefactor to the Company for financial assistancefor the event ReBuild Ukraine.Acceptance of the Agreement means that the Benefactor agrees with all its provisions, he is fully aware of the subjectof the Agreement and the purpose of collecting Donations.The Agreement is concluded by unconditional and full accession of the Benefactor to this Agreement and acceptanceof all essential terms of the Agreement.The Benefactor and the Company agree that the Agreement shall be deemed concluded in writing from the moment theBenefactor performs the actions provided for in the Agreement, which testify to the Acceptance of the AgreementThe Agreement is posted on the website in free access and in a way that providesacquaintance with the content of this Agreement to each person applying to the Company.The Benefactor cannot offer his terms of the Agreement.
3. Rights and obligations of the PartiesThe Company has the right to:receive the Donation and use it to achieve the goal specified in the terms of this the request of the Benefactor to provide information about the received Donation and its use.The Benefactor has the right to:transfer the Donation to the Company’s account in the manner specified in the Agreement.equest information on the use of the Donation.
4. Place of fundraising:Donation collection is held in any country of the world.
5. Term of fundraising:Collection of the Donation lasts until the time of the Event.
6. CostsAll expenses related to the transfer of the Donation are borne by the Benefactor.
7. Other conditionsThe Benefactor independently determines the amount of the Donation.The Donation is voluntary and non-refundable.The Benefactor is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the transfer of the Donation.This Agreement may be amended by the Company unilaterally by posting a new version of the Agreement on the Site.In order to comply with the Law of Ukraine «On Personal Data Protection» and the proper implementation of the termsof the Agreement, the Benefactor agrees to the processing of personal data.The current legislation of Ukraine applies to the relations between the Benefactor and the Company.
8. Addresses and details of the PartiesCompanyPREMIER EXPO SUBSIDIARY COMPANYAddress:57/3 Velika Vasil'kіvs'ka Street, Kyiv, 03150Reg: 30856806VAT local Number: 308568026092

USD Current AccountIBAN: UA373808050000000026003170689BANK OF BENEFICIARY:Raiffeisen Bank Joint Stock Company,Leskova street.9, KYIV 01011, UkraineSWIFTcode: AVALUAUKXXXCorrespondent Account: 890-0260-688CORRESPONDENT BANK:The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USASWIFT: IRVTUS3N

EURO Current AccountIBAN: UA653808050000000026006170686BANK OF BENEFICIARY:Raiffeisen Bank Joint Stock Company,Leskova street.9, KYIV 01011, UkraineSWIFTcode: AVALUAUKXXXCorrespondent Account: 55.022.305CORRESPONDENT BANK:Raiffeisen Bank International AGSWIFTcode: RZBAAT WW