
Baryshivska settlement territorial community

Code of CATUTTC 3220255100

participant of the exhibition - conference REBUILD UKRAINE 2024




Construction of a new modern family medicine outpatient clinic

Objective: To improve access to quality healthcare services for residents of the Baryshivka community, including internally displaced persons (IDPs), by building a new modern family medicine outpatient clinic, creating comfortable conditions for primary healthcare, providing doctors with modern equipment and improving the level of medical care.

Social impact:
Given the increase in the population by 3,500 people due to IDPs from Bakhmut, the project will significantly improve access to healthcare for more than 13,500 residents. The outpatient clinic will provide early diagnosis and prevention of diseases, reduce the burden on secondary-level hospitals and help reduce hospital admissions. The creation of modern working conditions will increase the attraction of qualified healthcare professionals, which will be an important step in the development of social infrastructure and the integration of IDPs, improving the quality of life in the community.

Estimated value: $1.5 million

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Need help
    Character of rebuilding: Full (rebuilding from 0)
    Form of ownership of the project: Communal
  • Objects of social infrastructure (health care)


Reconstruction of water supply and sewerage system

Objective: To improve the water supply and sewerage infrastructure in Baryshivka by modernising outdated systems, ensuring reliable access to quality drinking water and efficient sewerage for all community residents.

Social significance:
The project will improve the living standards of the population of Baryshivka by providing a stable and safe water supply. This will reduce the risk of diseases associated with poor quality water and improve sanitary and hygienic conditions in the community. The reconstruction of the sewerage system will also help to protect the environment by preventing soil and water pollution.

Estimated value: $3.5 million

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Need help
    Nature of reconstruction: Modernization of nodes and parts
    Form of ownership of the project: Communal
  • Water supply and drainage


Education begins in preschool. Safe space for preschoolers

Objective: to create safe conditions for preschool children in the Baryshivka community by overhauling the shelter and roof of the Teremok kindergarten and building a shelter and repairing the Promin kindergarten, expanding the capacity of institutions for an increased number of preschoolers, including internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Bakhmut, which will facilitate their integration into the local community.

Social orientation:
ensuring a continuous educational process for children, reducing parental stress and supporting the social stability of the community. Improved conditions will facilitate the adaptation of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and create a comfortable space for all children, taking into account modern safety requirements.

Estimated value: €1,521,000

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Already available
    Nature of reconstruction: Partial
    Form of ownership of the project: Communal
  • Objects of social infrastructure (education, culture and sports)


Construction of a new modern administrative service centre (ASC) building

Objective: to ensure convenient access to quality administrative services for the population. The new ASC will facilitate efficient service delivery, optimise workflows and increase the transparency of local government activities.

Social significance:
the construction of a new ASC building will significantly reduce the processing time of citizens' requests, improve the comfort of visitors and employees, create conditions for people with disabilities, and introduce modern technologies for the provision of electronic services. The project will contribute to the development of local self-government, improve interaction between citizens and the authorities, and improve the quality of life of the community through access to a wide range of administrative services in one place.

Estimated value: €1,050,000

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Need help
    Character of rebuilding: Full (rebuilding from 0)
    Form of ownership of the project: Communal
  • Management and provision of the most important public (administrative) services


Baryshivka Industrial Park - new opportunities for business and community development

Objective: Baryshivka Industrial Park will become a platform for attracting investment, developing local businesses and creating new jobs. The project envisages the construction of modern infrastructure for manufacturing and logistics companies, which will contribute to the economic growth of the region, increase the competitiveness of the community and integrate the Baryshivka community into the national and international economy.

Social significance:
the project will contribute to the development of small and medium-sized businesses, increase employment, create new jobs and reduce labour migration. By attracting investors and developing production facilities, the community will receive additional financial revenues to the local budget, which will improve social infrastructure, including educational, medical and cultural facilities. The industrial park will also help improve living standards and integrate the community into innovation processes, creating the preconditions for sustainable development.

Estimated value: $2,000,000

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: None
    Character of rebuilding: Full (rebuilding from 0)
    Form of ownership of the project: Communal
  • Industrial park


Construction of a dietary nutrition centre

Objective: to provide patients with quality and balanced nutrition in accordance with their medical needs. The centre will help improve the health of patients, speed up their recovery and improve the level of medical services provided by the hospital. This will allow us to introduce modern standards of medical nutrition and contribute to the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Social significance:
the construction of the Dietary Nutrition Centre at Baryshivka Hospital is a socially significant project that will improve the quality of life of patients, in particular those who need specialised nutrition due to chronic diseases or post-surgical conditions. The centre will facilitate the provision of individualised diets for patients with cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and other diseases, which will ensure faster recovery and reduce complications.

Estimated value: €3,200,000

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Already available
    Character of rebuilding: Full (rebuilding from 0)
    Form of ownership of the project: Communal
  • Objects of social infrastructure (health care)


Overhaul of the Cultural and Art Centre building

Objective: to create a modern space that will promote the development of culture, art and community initiatives. The project envisages renovation of the centre's infrastructure, including building insulation, modernisation of the interior, replacement of communications, and improvement of energy efficiency, which will provide comfortable conditions for cultural events, educational programmes and creative meetings.

Social significance:
the rehabilitation of the centre will allow for more events to be held, promote the development of creative abilities of local residents, and provide access to cultural leisure for all age groups. Modernisation of the building, including the introduction of energy-efficient technologies, will reduce maintenance costs and ensure the sustainable development of the institution.

Estimated value: €215,000

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Already available
    Nature of reconstruction: Partial
    Form of ownership of the project: Communal
  • Objects of social infrastructure (education, culture and sports)


Thermal modernisation of buildings and replacement of the heating system at the Baryshivka Multidisciplinary Hospital

Objective: to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy costs and create comfortable conditions for patients and medical staff. The project involves the insulation of walls and roofs and the replacement of old boilers with modern ones, which will ensure reliable heating and reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. This will allow the hospital to operate more efficiently and economically.

Social significance:
the project will help reduce the cost of maintaining the facility, which will free up funds to improve medical services and introduce new technologies. In addition, the project will comply with the principles of sustainable development, as it will reduce the environmental impact.

Estimated value: €800,000

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Need help
    Nature of reconstruction: Partial
    Form of ownership of the project: Communal
  • Objects of social infrastructure (health care)


Construction of a shelter on the territory of the Voloshiv Lyceum named after the Hero of Ukraine R. Luzhevsky

Objective: to ensure the safety of students, teachers and local residents in case of emergency. The shelter will be designed to meet modern safety and comfort requirements, providing reliable protection against possible threats.

Social significance:
the shelter will become an important element of social infrastructure available for use by all villagers and will provide additional opportunities for meetings, educational activities and cultural events in a safe environment. Thus, the project will have a positive impact on the overall safety and well-being of the community.

Estimated value: €578,000

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Already available
    Character of rebuilding: Full (rebuilding from 0)
    Form of ownership of the project: Communal
  • Objects of social infrastructure (education, culture and sports)


EcoTransport: creating a municipal network of electric buses and infrastructure for them

Objective: to create a municipal network of electric buses that will provide environmentally friendly and efficient public transport for residents.
The project involves the purchase of electric buses, the construction of modern bus stops and charging stations to ensure continuous operation of transport. This will help reduce CO2 emissions, improve air quality and reduce noise pollution in the city. The introduction of electric transport will also reduce fuel and maintenance costs, which will reduce the financial burden on the community's budget in the long run.

Social significance:
the project will improve the accessibility of public transport for all segments of the population, including people with disabilities and privileged categories. By reducing pollution, the quality of life in the community will improve, which will have a positive impact on the health of residents.

Estimated value: €753,337

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Need help
    Character of rebuilding: Full (rebuilding from 0)
    Form of ownership of the project: Communal
  • Objects of social infrastructure (education, culture and sports)

PRIORITIES for international cooperation

  • Infrastructure development:

    joint projects to develop transport, energy, communications and municipal infrastructure. Construction of new infrastructure facilities, reconstruction and modernisation of existing ones.

  • Humanitarian aid and social projects:

    Cooperation in the field of humanitarian aid, support for socially vulnerable groups, projects to improve medical and educational services, including in emergency situations.

  • Artboard 30

    Environmental sustainability and climate change:

    joint efforts to protect the environment, combat climate change, preserve biodiversity, and introduce green technologies and renewable energy sources. а також впровадження зелених технологій та відновлюваних джерел енергії.

  • Education, culture and science:

    sharing experience and knowledge through educational programmes, cultural exchanges, research and joint projects that promote intercultural dialogue and human capital development.

  • Institutional support and reforms:

    providing technical assistance and expert support for reforms, building the institutional capacity of the authorities, and promoting democracy and the rule of law.

Geographical features

  • Total area - 69 167 hectares
    Sumy region

    Composition of the community: administrative centre: Baryshivka settlement
    Villages: Bziv, Veselynivka, Voloshynika, Shovkove, Borschiv, Ustynkova Greblya, Gostroluchchya, Lukashi, Lukianivka, Morozivka, Peremoha, Podillya, Maskivtsi, Mala Tarasivka, Rudnytske, Sezenkiv, Blasivka, Selychivka, Selysche, Shvatchykha, Dernivka, Khlopkiv, Pasichna

● 52 km to the district centre of Brovary and 29 km to Boryspil● 67 km to the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv● The length of the Kyiv - Kharkiv and Kyiv - Sumy motorways is 28.94 km and 38.42 km respectively● The district is crossed by the South-Western railway Kyiv - Kharkiv
● The distance to Boryspil airport is 40 km

Natural resources 

  • Noun_100px


    - sand (can be used for all types of construction works);
    - brick and tile raw materials for the production of bricks and tiles;
    - peat (can be used for heating and as fertiliser in agriculture).

  • rivers and reservoirs

    there are 4 rivers flowing through the hromada. The largest is 125 km long. There are 51 ponds with a total area of 280.22 hectares and a volume of 4.17 million cubic metres, natural lakes

  • Biodiversity

    Community’s forest area is 6.6 thousand hectares, including 0.4 thousand hectares of shrubs and 0.9 thousand hectares of forest belts. The hromada has about 50 hectares of parks and there is a need to increase them.


Investment attractiveness

Conditions for investors. Benefits and support

    tax breaks, subsidies or other forms of support to attract investment;
    support and simplification of regulatory procedures for business, including obtaining permits and licences;
    Stable political and economic situation in the region;
    guarantees of investor protection and a safe environment for doing business;
    active support from local authorities in resolving issues related to the implementation of investment projects;
    opportunities for cooperation with local enterprises and organisations;
  • Noun_100px

    Resources and opportunities:

    ● the community is located in Kyiv region, conveniently connected to Kyiv, which provides easy access to the capital's market and infrastructure
    ● developed road infrastructure and proximity to major motorways and railways
    ● availability of land plots for various business purposes - commercial and industrial zones
    ● availability of natural resources and potential for the development of the agro-industrial complex

  • Social infrastructure:

    extensive network of healthcare facilities, educational institutions, cultural centres and sports facilities that contribute to improving the quality of life and attracting new residents

  • Energy infrastructure:

    development of energy infrastructure, including opportunities for the introduction of renewable energy sources such as solar panels

28,000 hromada residents (as of 01.08.2024)

    Baryshivska amalgamated territorial community development strategy for 2020-2027
    Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan for Baryshivka Territorial Community until 2030
    The master plan for Baryshivka village is being developed
    The concept of reconstruction and sustainable economic development of the Baryshivska settlement territorial community of the Kyiv region


  • Economic capacity of the Baryshivka Territorial Community is among the top five in the Kyiv region

  • Services for the population according to European standards

  • market

    Modern and functional infrastructure and public space

the number of social infrastructure facilities on the territory of the community





Administrative buildings23

implementation of strategic projects

Spaces of active citizens in the de-occupied villages of the Baryshiv community

Partners / participants / donors: Partnership for a Strong Ukraine Foundation (Kimonix), «Initiative Centre for Promoting Activity and Development of Public Initiative «Ednannia» NGO, Berezan Community Foundation, «Lukianivske» local business, community of Lukianivka village.

restoration of the village club in Lukianivka village to restore the cultural life of the community and create a space for events.

What has been done:
a meeting room was repaired and equipped, provided with the necessary equipment, and joint community events were held.

Spaces for active citizens in the de-occupied villages of the Baryshiv community

Energy-efficient thermal modernisation (overhaul) of the inpatient building (new building, 3-storey building) of the municipal non-profit enterprise «St Zinaida Children's Clinical Hospital»

Partners / participants / donors: Partnership for a Strong Ukraine Foundation (Kimonix), «Initiative Centre for Promoting Activity and Development of Public Initiative «Ednannia» NGO , Berezan Community Foundation, local business and authorities, Peremoha village community.

Objective: creating a gathering place for people that will become the heart of the community, a place for meetings, discussions, learning and celebrations.

What has been done: the premises of the former household goods factory in Peremoha village were renovated and a modern gathering space was created, which will become a place for meetings, discussions and active involvement of the village residents in the community life.

Rudnytskyi's Phoenix

Partners / participants / donors: Berezan Community Foundation in cooperation with MHP-HROMADI, CF, Fedir Shpyga Foundation, Public Organisation Initiative Centre for Promoting the Activity and Development of the Public Initiative Ednannia, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
restoration of residential buildings destroyed during the occupation in the village of Rudnytske, providing socially vulnerable families with safe and habitable conditions. The project aims to restore not only physical structures, but also people's faith that they are not left alone with their difficulties and that their needs and well-being are a priority for the community and business.

What has been done: roofs in the buildings damaged by explosions were re-roofed to ensure their stability and protection from weather conditions; new windows and doors were installed in the buildings damaged by explosions and shelling; walls cut by bullets and shell fragments were puttyed, restoring their integrity and aesthetic appearance.

Overhaul of the M. Zerov Lyceum, Lukashivka Lyceum and the Selyshchany Lyceum Gymnasium Branch

Partners / participants / donors: Kyiv Regional Administration, European Investment Bank as part of the Ukraine Recovery Programme.

Objective: restoring and providing safe, comfortable and modern conditions for the educational process in the educational institutions of the Baryshivka Village Council that were damaged or destroyed during the hostilities.

What has been done:
at the Rudnytsia Gymnasium Branch of the Selyshchany Lyceum of the Baryshevka Village Council, work is underway to insulate the facade and replace windows; at the M. Zerov Baryshevka Lyceum, dismantling work is underway and the shelter is being deepened; at the Lukashivka Lyceum, all windows have been replaced, dismantling work is underway, the roof is being repaired and the facade is being insulated.

Modernisation of water supply and power supply systems at water supply facilities

Overhaul of water supply and power supply systems of water supply facilities with the installation of solar photovoltaic stations, automatic control system with frequency converters and replacement of pumping units of artesian wells No. 1, 2 and 5 in Baryshivka, Baryshivka district, Kyiv region.

Partners / participants / donors:
twin Cities of Pullah and the Nakopa Foundation, Engagament Global LLC.

What has been done:

- complete reconstruction of the existing systems;
- installation of solar panels to provide a renewable energy source;
- implementation of an automation system including frequency converters to optimise pump operation and increase energy efficiency;
- replacement of pumping units at artesian wells No. 1, 2 and 5: upgrade of pumping units to ensure stable water supply and improve the reliability of the water supply system.

Reconstruction of the hot water supply system

Reconstruction of the hot water supply system using solar collectors in the inpatient department for permanent or temporary residence of people at the Baryshivka settlement territorial centre for social services at 4-b Sadova Street in the village of Peremoha, Brovary district.

the twin city of Pullah and the Nakopa Foundation, Engagament Global LLC.

Objective: improving the living conditions of the wards in the inpatient department of Peremoha village, reducing energy costs, and providing people with hot water.

What has been done:

- a modern system of solar collectors for water heating was installed;
- reconstruction of the existing hot water supply systems, including replacement of pipelines and connection of new system components to solar collectors;
- the use of renewable energy has significantly reduced energy costs, which has reduced the financial burden on the inpatient department.


Industry in the territory of the community:

Production of components for industrial incubators



Leather manufacturer


"Ultra Leather" LLC

Hot galvanizing of metal structures


PJSC "Molniya"

Production of textile products


"Guala Closers Technology Ukraine" LLC

Agricultural industry




The number of destructions registered by the community:


    64 individual residential buildings, the approximate estimated cost of reconstruction is UAH 128.0 million
    the premises of the FAN HAB youth space (renovated with the funds of the Ukrainian-Danish Youth Home at a total cost of 6.5 thousand euros)
    3 bridges across the Trubizh River (reconstructed at the expense of the state budget)
    the ancient church of the Ascension of the Lord in the village Lukyanivka - It is being rebuilt with sponsor funds and parishioners. The estimated cost of the facility is UAH 6.0 million.
    SC "Progres" - dismantling was carried out at the cost of UAH 500,000. A rehabilitation center is planned to be built on the site of the stadium
    2 private enterprises


Oleksandr Ivanovych Ilchenko

Secretary of the village council

Тел.: +380674422208Е-mail: au.vog.adamorg-aksvihsyrab%40adar-akvihsyrabAddress: str. Tsentralna 27 Baryshivka village, Brovarsky district, Kyiv region, Ukraine 07501