Ukraine has already taken on the role of a leader in reconstruction

Ukraine has already taken on the role of a leader in reconstruction

📢 "Ukraine has already taken on the role of a leader in reconstruction," said Mustafa Nayyem, Chairman of the Agency for Reconstruction and Infrastructure Projects.

🌐 The issue of ensuring sustainable recovery in Ukraine was discussed at the international conference organized by Chatham House as part of the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023 (London) by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.

Speakers emphasized the need to create the potential for reconstruction right now, without waiting for the conclusion of hostilities.

👉 Our ReBuild Ukraine project is creating exactly such potential for reconstruction and unifying all stakeholders involved in the complex recovery process on one platform.

🙏 Partner countries need to consider how to accelerate the funding for reconstruction:

"We cannot punish the entire country because of certain corrupt individuals," commented Mustafa Nayyem on the concerning issue of corrupt interests.

🎯 According to the EBRD, there is currently a need to train professionals in Ukraine in:

✅ Project management

✅ Procurement

✅ Financial coordination

👉 Lesia Ogryzko, representative of RISE Ukraine, emphasized that "Ukrainian civil society is a broader concept than in other countries. 'Watchdog' organizations of civil society are monitoring the reconstruction of Ukraine..."