The Investment Attractiveness of Ukraine Right Now

The Investment Attractiveness of Ukraine Right Now

Will there be any other country in the world where $1 of investment today will turn into $10 after the war ends and Ukraine joins the EU?The Restart Kharkiv investment conference was held in Kyiv.

"The city won't wait for the war to end; investments are needed now," says Mayor Ihor Terekhov. Kharkiv doesn't need to wait for the end of the war to start rebuilding; the city needs to attract investors today.

"With the start of the war, attracting investments has become much more challenging, although interest in our country has increased significantly. Everyone wants to see what can be done in Ukraine, everyone understands that our country will ultimately prevail, and there will be a massive reconstruction. Moreover, we will become a part of the EU," said David Arakhamia, a member of parliament and chairman of the parliamentary faction "Servant of the People," who also serves as the chairman of the supervisory board of UkraineInvest.

"Our country is of particular interest to investors from the USA who have gone through similar periods with Iraq and Afghanistan and made a lot of money. They are reaching out and asking how they can work in Ukraine. However, there is a problem, as everyone is interested in risk insurance, for example, missile hits. Because you can build a large plant and lose it in one day, but who will pay for it is unknown. That's why we have been working at all levels of international diplomacy for over half a year to obtain a special package of military risk insurance, and there are already promising preliminary results," the politician reported.The next step in attracting investors to Ukrainian communities will be the international forum «Fit For Ukraine» Ukraine Invest, which will take place on November 15, 2023, in Warsaw as part of the international exhibition-conference ReBuild Ukraine.