Local authorities are increasingly implementing energy management systems in preparation for energy challenges

Local authorities are increasingly implementing energy management systems in preparation for energy challenges

Systematic monitoring has been implemented in more than 18,000 buildings of local authorities. Another 1,300 buildings are covered by automated energy monitoring, according to the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving.

«Energy management – is the first compulsory step to effective management of energy consumption especially during the heating season period. Potential for resources saving with no extra investments – is from %5 up to 15%», representative of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency Vladyslav Semigin explained during the working of the Platform on the questions of climate and energy within the framework of implementation the EU Covenant of Mayors East Project on topic: «Energy grids, let us grid!» in Myrhorod.

«We are constantly helping local authorities and advising on all the steps required to implement an energy management system. We have positive dynamics. As of the beginning of this year, the number of local governments that have implemented energy monitoring has increased by 40% compared to the figures for the first half of last year», representative of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving, Pavlo Dubyna said.

The State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving provides recommendations to local governments for the implementation of energy management systems in buildings, taking into account the requirements of the Procedure approved by Government Resolution No.1460 of 23.12.2021.

«We also emphasise that the implementation of the energy management system is a process that is ongoing in all sectors of the Ukrainian economy, namely in buildings, processes and transport», Vladyslav Semigin said.

According to the Agency's expert, when implementing an energy management system in buildings, there are important stages to be identified, namely

- approval of the organisational structure of the energy management system (EnMS) in buildings;

- development and approval of the Energy Policy Declaration and the EnMS Operation and Maintenance Plan;

- Inventory and creation of a database of public buildings and residential buildings;

- development of a list of energy efficiency measures.

As of June 2023, the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving received and processed information on the availability of more than 200 energy management system operation plans and sustainable development action plans from local governments.

The participants of the training had the opportunity to communicate with representatives of the Ministry of Infrastructure, the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and fellow energy managers.

The participants discussed in detail the challenges faced by energy managers today and ways to overcome them.

The event also saw the selection of the winner, Konotop Community, as the best energy manager in 2023.

The State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving is working systematically to advise and train energy management specialists. The next event for communities is planned jointly with the EU Covenant of Mayors East Project in the near future.

Source: https://www.kmu.gov.ua/news/mistseva-vlada-vse-aktyvnishe-vprovadzhuie-systemu-enerhomenedzhmentu-hotuiuchys-do-enerhetychnykh-vyklykiv