Modernisation and reconstruction of the wastewater system

The project aims to modernise the municipal wastewater treatment facilities in Sumy to improve the quality of wastewater treatment to meet international standards. This will reduce pollution of the Psel River and restore its ecosystem, which will have a significant positive impact on the environmental situation in the region.
The social significance of the project is to improve the quality of wastewater collection and treatment services for 267.4 thousand residents of the Sumy community, as well as to connect new subscribers from neighbouring communities, which will improve the standard of living in the region. In addition, by reducing electricity consumption and maintenance costs, the project will be cost-effective and contribute to the sustainable development of the community.

Estimated value: €35.4 millionthe project will be presented at the сommunities Marathon

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Need help
    Nature of reconstruction: Modernization of nodes and parts
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Water supply and drainage


Construction of a solar power plant in Sumy for the needs of Municipal Enterprise of the Sumy City Council Electroautotrans

This project aims to build a 6.5 MW solar power plant in Sumy to meet the needs of the Municipal enterprise Electroautotrans, which provides public transport services. This will allow the company to almost completely cover its electricity needs, saving about UAH 35 million annually and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 97%.

The project will last for one year, with a payback period of approximately 7.67 years.

Estimated value: $6.65 million

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Already have it
    Nature of the reconstruction: Full (rebuilding from scratch)
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Energy supply facilities


Installation of solar power plants at water intakes of the Miskvodokanal- Municipal enterprise of the Sumy City Council

Miskvodokanal provides centralised water supply services to 256,000 residents of the community and centralised sewerage services to 218,000 residents. The installation of alternative power sources with storage systems at the company's water intakes will allow it to supply the community's residents under any conditions. The goal of this project is to provide the water pumping stations of the city's drinking water supply system with electricity, at least in the minimum required amount, during the period of complete absence of grid electricity.

Estimated value: €1,292,446

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Already have it
    Nature of the reconstruction: Full (rebuilding from scratch)
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Water supply and drainage


Installation of solar power plants at the treatment facilities of Miskvodokanal - Municipal Enterprise of the City Council

As of today, the total number of consumers of the Municipal Enterprise Miskvodokanal is 279,900, including 27,000 internally displaced persons.
This project aims to improve the energy independence of Sumy by installing solar power plants at the wastewater treatment plant, which will reduce electricity costs and increase the stability of water supply and sewage. In the event of a complete power outage, the SPPs will provide the minimum necessary power to the treatment facilities.

Estimated value: €809,956

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Already have it
    Nature of the reconstruction: Full (rebuilding from scratch)
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Water supply and drainage


Overhaul (thermal modernisation) of the building of the municipal non-commercial enterprise Central City Clinical Hospital

Central City Clinical Hospital - Municipal non-commercial enterprise of Sumy City Council provides a wide range of medical services to the population of the Sumy City Territorial Community.
This project aims to improve the conditions for staff and patients by providing a comfortable indoor climate regardless of the season. The introduction of energy-efficient technologies will significantly reduce the hospital's operating costs, which will allow it to redirect funds to improve medical services.

Estimated value: 1 904 963 $

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Already have it
    Type of reconstruction: Overhaul (thermal modernization)
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Objects of social infrastructure (health care)


Reconstruction of a part of the pumping station building for a drinking water bottling area at the Prishybsky water intake

Providing the residents of the Sumy community with safe drinking water in case of emergency in the war by purifying and packaging drinking water.

Packaging machines are required in case of water supply system failures, secondary contamination of water, natural disasters or other emergencies, as they guarantee a continuous supply of bacteriologically safe water. This possibility of safe water supply minimises the risk of poisoning people.

This technology will help save on transport costs, as the packages can be delivered by passenger cars rather than by special, fuel-consuming vehicles that are usually used to transport process water.

Estimated value: $ 263 523

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Already have it
    Type of reconstruction: Overhaul (thermal modernization)
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Water supply and drainage


Reconstruction of the building of municipal institution of the specialised school of I-III degrees No. 17 with the implementation of comprehensive thermal modernisation measures

The project aims to significantly improve the energy efficiency of the building by implementing measures including insulation of the building envelope, replacement of old windows and doors with energy-saving ones, and modernisation of engineering systems.
This will reduce heat loss, cut energy costs and improve the overall comfort of the school premises.
These changes are expected to result in significant energy savings for the school, reducing maintenance costs and providing a healthy learning environment for students and staff. With a capacity of 1800 students and 200 staff, the secondary school is one of the largest in the community.

Estimated value: €4,047,116

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Already have it
    Nature of reconstruction: Modernization of nodes and parts
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Objects of social infrastructure (education, culture and sports)


Reconstruction of the Luchka overpass in Sumy

Creation of conditions for the implementation of plans and programmes for the strategic development of the city, introduction of the latest engineering, transport and social service systems, preservation of the environment for the safety of citizens travelling through this transport facility.

Estimated value: €3,532,009

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: None
    Nature of reconstruction: Reconstruction
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Objects of transport infrastructure


Development of a centralised water supply system

Provision of drinking water to consumers in the Kursk district of Sumy, Pishchanskyi and Stetskivskyi starosta districts. Sustainable development of the city's centralised water supply system.Currently, Verkhne Pishchane village residents are supplied with water through 2 operating wells and a water tower. For technical reasons, further operation of these wells is impossible due to the inconsistency of water quality with the current sanitary standards.The project includes the construction of a separate water intake in Verkhne Pishchane village with the construction of new water pipelines.

Estimated value: €8,543,046

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Already have it
    Nature of the reconstruction: Full (rebuilding from scratch) 0)
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Water supply and drainage


Reconstruction and thermal modernisation of the building of the Pishchane House of Culture

Improving the energy efficiency of the building, creating comfortable conditions for visitors and staff to stay in the premises of the institution, bringing the building to the energy efficiency standards.
The social significance of the project is to create conditions for the cultural development of community residents, provide employment and youth after school hours, develop and reveal their talents and abilities, preserve and promote national and local traditions and customs.

Estimated value: €753,337

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Already have it
    Nature of reconstruction: Modernization of nodes and parts
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Objects of social infrastructure (education, culture and sports)


Overhaul of the building of Sumy sanatorium preschool educational institution

This project aims to create an energy-efficient, comfortable place for the development and upbringing of children.
Improving the energy efficiency of the facility will ensure a stable temperature regime and a comfortable indoor climate regardless of weather conditions, which is important for the health of children and staff. In addition, the thermal modernisation measures will reduce the building's energy consumption and energy costs, which is economically beneficial.

This project will improve the quality of life and well-being of the community, ensuring the long-term preservation of the building and reducing future operating costs.

Estimated value: €342,694

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Already have it
    Nature of reconstruction: Partial
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Objects of social infrastructure (education, culture and sports)


Arrangement of engineering networks of the Sumy Industrial Park

‘Arrangement of engineering networks of the Sumy Industrial Park’ - creation of appropriate conditions for the participants of the industrial park to carry out economic activities, improvement of the investment attractiveness of the Sumy Industrial Park, which in turn will contribute to the economic development and competitiveness of the Sumy territorial community, intensification of investment activity and in the future will create new jobs and, accordingly, reduce unemployment, develop modern production facilities based on innovative technologies.

Estimated value: €8 051 435

    Design and estimate documentation of the project: Need help
    Nature of reconstruction: New construction
    Type of project ownership: Municipal
  • Industrial park

PRIORITIES of international cooperation

Deepening of cooperation with international partners, development of new business relations, exchange of experience and obtaining support for the implementation of joint projects, attracting funds from international financial organizations, international grant projects and international technical assistance programs, which positively affects the development of the community.

Established partnership relations with cities of foreign countries:

    Celle (Germany),
    Lublin (Poland)
    Goszów Wielkopolski (Poland)
    Mazeikiai (Republic of Lithuania)
    Banska Bystrica (Slovak Republic)
    Vratsa (Bulgaria)
    Kutaisi (Georgia)
    Hämeenlinna (Finland)
    Sacramento (USA)
    Harbin, Heilongjiang Province (People's Republic of China)
    Guiyang, Guizhou Province (People's Republic of China)
    Zhuji, Zhejiang Province (People's Republic of China)
    Xinxiang, Henan Province (People's Republic of China)

Also, the Sumy city territorial community has started the process of establishing partnership relations with the city of Coimbra (Portugal) and concluding a twinning agreement to promote friendly cooperation and exchanges between the city of Coimbra, Portugal and the city of Sumy, Ukraine.

Geographical features

  • The total area is 35171.5 ha
    Sumy region

    Community composition:
    Administrative center: Sumy city
    Villages: Pishchane, Verkhne Pishchane, Zhyteiske, Zahirske, Kyryakivschyna, Trokhymenkove, Bytytsiya, Vakalivschyna, Zeleny Hai, Mykilske, Pushkarivka, Velyka Chernechchyna, Vilshanka, Lypnyak, Khomyne, Stetskivske, Kardashivka village, Radkivka, Rybtsi, Shevchenkove.

● Community is located within the forest-steppe zone on the banks of the Psel River, with the right tributaries of the Sumka River and the Strelka River, which belong to the Dnipro River basin.● 333 km to the capital city -Kyiv and the regional centres of the neighbouring regions: Kharkiv - 184 km, Poltava - 175 km, Chernihiv - 307 km.● The nearest airports to the community are Kyiv International Airport (342 km), Boryspil International Airport (337 km), and Kharkiv Airport (199 km).● Sumy is crossed by motorways H07, H12, P44, P45, P61, T1901, as well as a branch of the Southern Railway.● The non-electrified 2-track railway passing through Sumy is the main line Liubotyn – Trostianets – Sumy – Konotop.

Natural resources

  • Noun_100px


    2 solid mineral deposits: building sand deposit, brick raw material deposit

  • rivers and reservoirs

    The Psel River, the small Sumka and Strilka Rivers, streams, Lake Chekha, Blue Lakes, the Kosiv Reservoir and small reservoirs.

  • artesian wells

    The source of the community's centralized water supply is artesian water, which is extracted from deep-water artesian wells reliably protected from surface pollution.

Investment attractiveness

List of vacant municipally owned land plots that can be leased:

    11 vacant land plots for the location and operation of processing, machine-building and other industries;
    1 vacant land plot for placement and operation of buildings and structures of road transport and road facilities;
    a land plot of 21.4516 hectares for the integrated development of a new neighbourhood of multi-storey residential buildings and necessary social infrastructure facilities.
  • In recent years, the rating of investment attractiveness of Sumy has been affirmed at the level of «invA-high investment attractiveness».

  • The credit rating is at the "uaA-stable" level:● Absence of administrative barriers, mobility and high level of transparency of the authorities● Strong industrial potential that ensures the production of world-class competitive goods● High level of human and scientific potential● High level of investor confidence

industrial park "Sumi"

  • for 30 years

    The industrial park was created in 2018 in the city of Sumy

  • The area is 17.5 hectares

    It is located on the territory of the Northern Industrial Hub. Near the industrial park there are 2 adjacent land plots of about 4 hectares and 2 hectares

  • Green - field

    Type of land plot - Green-field (land plot without buildings). Near the site there are existing utilities to which it is possible to connect and have reserve capacity

Government incentives:

● full or partial compensation of the interest rate on credits (loans) for the arrangement and/or conduct of business activities;
● compensation for the costs of connecting and joining engineering and transport networks.

Tax and customs incentives:

● exemption from income tax for 10 consecutive years;
● exemption from value added tax and import duties.

Support at the local level:

● minimising the cost of starting a business;
● access to skilled labour and education;
● convenient logistics and developed infrastructure;
● simplified procedure for obtaining registration and permits at the Administrative Services Centre;
● reduced rental rates for land plots within the territory of the Industrial Park;
● tax exemptions for non-residential property located in the territory of the Industrial Park;
● they are not a subject to real estate taxation.

256 222
residents of the community
(As of 01.08.2024)

    Development Strategy of the Sumy City Territorial Community until 2027;
    30 targeted programs in various areas of activity; 
    The Economic and Social Development Program of the Sumy City Territorial Community for 2024;
    Action Plan for Sustainable Energy Development and Climate of the Sumy City Territorial Community until 2050;
    Draft Development of the Integrated Development Concept of the Sumy City Territorial Community (planned for approval in October 2024);
    Master Plan of the City of Sumy;
    Zoning Plan of the City of Sumy;
    Historical and Architectural Reference Plan of the City of Sumy.


  • The community is accessible to residents and businesses

    ● Community with a comfortable transport network● Community attractive and accessible to investors● Open community● Barrier-free community

  • A community that creates opportunities for a quality life and the development of creative abilities

    ● Conscious and active community● Safe and healthy community● Community with quality educational and cultural services● Comfortable community

  • A community with a competitive economy

    ● Community conducive to economic development● Formation of a positive image of the community

  • A community with effective governance

    ● Community with constructive interaction between authorities and residentsCommunity with modern management by best international practices

Number of social infrastructure facilities in the community





implementation of strategic projects

Improving energy efficiency in educational institutions in Sumy

Partners / participants / donors: The international financial institution Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO).
Objective: Improving the energy efficiency of buildings, reducing energy consumption, reducing CO2 emissions, and creating comfortable conditions for the participants of the educational process.
What has been done: Thermal modernisation was carried out at pre-school No. 2 and secondary school No. 29, including insulation of external walls, replacement of window and door units with energy-efficient ones.

Energy-efficient thermal modernisation of a children's clinical hospital

Energy-efficient thermal modernisation (overhaul) of the inpatient building (new building, 3-storey building) of the St Zinaida Children's Clinical Hospital - Municipal non-profit Enterprise
Partners / participants / donors: The international financial institution Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO).
Objective: Improving the energy efficiency of the building, reducing energy consumption, reducing CO2 emissions, creating comfortable conditions for patients and staff in the facility.
What has been done: Exterior walls were insulated, window and door units were replaced with energy-efficient ones, porches were arranged; the foundation and basement of the building were insulated with a new pavement around the building; the basement floor and attic floor were insulated, ventilation equipment, a weather control system, a hot water preparation module were installed; pipelines were replaced with pre-insulated ones, heating distribution pipelines were insulated; heat meters were installed for the modernised building and renovation measures were carried out.

Renewal of the rolling stock of the Municipal Enterprise Elektroavtotrans

Partners / participants / donors: European Investment Bank (EIB).
Objective: Increasing the volume of passenger traffic by environmentally friendly transport, improving the comfort and quality of services provided to the community.
What has been done: 19 new trolleybuses were purchased.

Improving energy efficiency in preschool educational institutions

Partners / participants / donors: European Investment Bank (EIB).
Objective: Improving the energy efficiency of buildings, reducing energy consumption, reducing CO2 emissions, and creating comfortable conditions for children and staff in the city's preschool education institutions.
What has been done: Thermal modernisation of pre-school buildings, the project is underway.

Improving energy efficiency in educational institutions

Partners / participants / donors: grant funds from the European Union.
Objective: increasing the energy efficiency of buildings, improving their technical characteristics, reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions, and creating comfortable conditions for staying in the building during the educational process.
What has been done: The reconstruction and thermal modernisation of the central building of the M. Savchenko Secondary School No. 7 and the building of the Municipal Secondary School No. 9 were carried out, and the lighting system of the Municipal Secondary School No. 20 was overhauled, including the installation of energy-efficient lamps.

Energy efficient thermal modernisation of a children's hospital

Energy-efficient thermal modernisation (overhaul) of the inpatient building (old building A2, 3-storey building) of the «St Zinaida Children's Clinical Hospital» municipal non-profit enterprise
Partners / participants / donors: grants from the German Society for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH).
Objective: reducing the use of energy resources and creating comfortable conditions for staying in the facility.
What has been done: Exterior walls were insulated, window and door units were replaced with energy-efficient ones, porches were arranged; the foundation and basement of the building were insulated with a new pavement around the building; the basement floor and attic floor were insulated, ventilation equipment, a weather control system, a hot water preparation module were installed; pipelines were replaced with pre-insulated ones, heating distribution pipelines were insulated; heat meters were installed for the modernised building and renovation measures were carried out.

Installation of a solar power plant to ensure uninterrupted hot water supply to the building of the St Zinaida Children's Clinical Hospital- municipal non-profit enterprise

Partners / participants / donors: grants from the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).
Objective: Reducing energy dependence, emergency power supply to the facility.
What has been done: A 60 kW solar power plant was installed.

Implementation of the European Energy Label in Ukraine

Overhaul of the building (facade insulation) of the Municipal Institution Sumy Specialised School of I-III Degrees No. 2 named after D. Kosarenko in Sumy, Sumy region was carried out
Partners / participants / donors: grants from the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
Objective: Increasing the energy efficiency of buildings, improving their technical characteristics, reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions, and creating comfortable conditions for staying in the building during the educational process.What has been done: The outer walls of part of the building were insulated.

Improving energy efficiency with a component of alternative energy in the buildings of the Central City Clinical Hospital

Partners / participants / donors: funds from an international donor through the Ecoclub NGO.
Objective: reducing energy dependence, emergency power supply to the facility.
What has been done: A 60 kW solar power plant was installed at one of the hospital's buildings.

Overhaul of electrical networks, including the installation of a solar power plant at the water intake facility of the Municipal Enterprise «Miskvodokanal»

Partners / participants / donors: grant funds from Oxfam International in partnership with the NGO Ecoclub.

reducing energy dependence, emergency power supply to critical infrastructure facilities.

What has been done:
A 100 kW solar power plant was installed at one of the company's water intakes.

Directions of local economic development

Heading photo

As of 01.07.2024, the number of registered major taxpayers in Sumy operating in the city amounted to 28,995 entities. Structure of industrial products sold in Sumy:

    Manufacture of rubber and plastic products, other non-metallic mineral products - 17.0%
    Metallurgical production, manufacture of finished metal products, except for machinery and equipment - 12.1%
    Mechanical engineering, except for repair and installation of machinery and equipment - 12.1%
    Manufacture of wood products, paper production and printing - 2.5%
    Textile production, production of clothing, leather, leather products and other materials - 0.5%
    Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco products - 2.8%
    Supply of electricity, gas, steam and conditioned air - 32.3%
    Other types of industrial products (including chemicals and pharmaceuticals) - 20.7%


Industry in the territory of the community:

Pharmaceutical industry


"Kusum Pharm" LLC

Chemical industry


PJSC "Sumikhimprom"



JSC "SMNVO-Engineering"

Production of rubber and plastic products


"Guala Closers Technology Ukraine" LLC

Production of rubber and plastic products


JSC "Technology"



JSC Sumy Plant "Nasosenergomash"

Production of building materials


Kerameya LLC


From the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Sumy territorial community was a front-line zone. The territory of the community was repeatedly subjected to enemy shelling.

The number of destructions registered by the community:


    Housing stock and communal infrastructure of the community - 489
    Educational institutions - 13
    Health care institutions - 12
    Cultural institutions - 29
    Transport infrastructure - 15
    Objects of trade - 1


Artem Mykolayovych Kobzar

Secretary of the Sumy City Council

Executive Committee of the Sumy City Council - 40030, Sumy, Maidan Nezalezhnosti, 2
Phone: +38(0542)700-560
E-mail: au.vog.rms%40liam