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Workshop gathering foreign and Ukrainian companies, EU representatives, government officials, and international financial institutions to explore strategic investment opportunities in Ukraine. The discussion will focus on priority sectors across real economy and energy, such as IT, logistics, industry, agri-food, as well as challenges like capital controls and the impact of ongoing war. Participants will also examine concrete investment projects and innovative funding solutions available through the EU-backed Ukraine Investment Framework, aimed at supporting Ukraine’s post-war recovery and integration into the EU single market.
Maryna KhlystunDirector - Investment Department,Ministry of Economy
Gabriel BlancHead of Sector - Reconstruction of Ukraine, European Commission
Jean-Jacques Soulacroupacting Head of Division - Corporate Investment, European Investment Bank
Lisa KaestnerRegional Manager for Ukraine and Moldova,International Finance Corporation
Svitlana MykhailovskaDeputy Director - Advocacy,European Business Association
Marcin NowackiVice President & President,ZPP & European Enterprise Alliance
Marek DzikiewiczCommercial Director Poland Baltics and Ukraine, Kingspan
Oliver GierlichsManaging Director & CFO at Bayer Ltd. Bayer
Bart GruyaertProject Director,Neo-Eco
ModeratorOrest TokacPolicy Officer, Ukraine Service,European Commission
Registration is closedPlease check the website for updates on available free seats
Venue: Expo XXI
Address of the exhibition center:
Ui. Pradzynskiego 12/14, 01-222 Warsaw, Poland
Exhibition schedule for visitors:
13 November Start of registration: 08:30Exhibition is open: 09:30 – 18:00
14 November Start of registration: 08:30Exhibition is open: 09:30 – 17:00