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Join this interactive workshop to explore the unique opportunities the EU Single Market offers to Ukrainian companies. Key speakers and Ukrainian businesses successfully operation in the EU single market will share insights on market access, support tools, and how EU accession can accelerate growth and internalisation. Contribute your ideas and discover how to leverage these opportunities for your own business success.
Workshop for Ukrainian companies, Business support organisations, policy makers.
Janis AizsalnieksTeam Leader, Directorate General for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement, European Commission
Andriy KolpakovHead of Corporate Business, Nova Post
Olga MichelotFounder and Director of International Relations and External Outreach at Helios Strategia
Borys NikolenkoMember of the Board of Directors of the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine, Director and Founder of LLC “IMPERATYV UA” (Ukraine) and LLC “IMPERATYV PL” (Poland)
Jakub BoratynskiDirector, Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission
Volodymyr KuzyoDeputy Chair of the Management Board, CFO at Bank Lviv
Kateryna GlazkovaExecutive Director at Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs (SUP)
ModeratorDariusz SzymczychaVice President of Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce
Registration is closedPlease check the website for updates on available free seats
Venue: Expo XXI
Address of the exhibition center:
Ui. Pradzynskiego 12/14, 01-222 Warsaw, Poland
Exhibition schedule for visitors:
13 November Start of registration: 08:30Exhibition is open: 09:30 – 18:00
14 November Start of registration: 08:30Exhibition is open: 09:30 – 17:00